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Example Review Letters

So, What’s the Right Way for Local Businesses to Request a Review on Google?

It’s really quite simple: ask every customer for their feedback, then ask every customer who provides it for a review.
Sign In Or learn more reputation managementcampaign.

If you do this, be it in person, via email, invoices, receipts, or even using business cards and in-store signage or with Tactical-Moves Review App for Reputation Manager, you can be sure you’re not violating Google’s terms and conditions for Google My Business.

Here Are 5 Example Review Letters

1. Generic Customer Review Request Email (Visit Was a Long Time Ago)

Hi [Customer’s First Name],
We miss you! To refresh your memory, this is [Your Name], [Your Job Title] at [Your Business Name].
You visited us recently, and we just want to thank you once again for choosing us. It’s our sincere hope that you got everything you wanted out of that experience.
We appreciate your feedback and would like to hear your thoughts on the interaction. Would you be so kind as to take a moment to leave your feedback on [Your Business Name] using the link below?
Link To Review App
Thank you!
[Your Name]

2. Generic Customer Review Request Email (Visit Was Very Recent)

Hi [Customer’s First Name],
We are so excited you recently visited us at [Your Business Name] and hope you enjoyed your experience. In an effort to constantly improve our customer satisfaction rates, we were wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking a moment to tell us what you thought of our interaction while it’s still fresh in your mind?
We promise, it takes just a couple minutes out of your day. Just click the link below!
Link To Review App
It helps us greatly to know how we’re performing, which fuels us on a journey of constant improvement.
Thanks again,
[Your Name]

3. Hospitality and Food Review Email Template (for Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Pubs, and Cafes)

Hi [Customer’s First Name],
We wanted to reach out to thank you for visiting [Your Business Name] recently.
It’s our job to make sure your experience with us met and even exceeded your expectations. But in order for us to improve upon our customer service, it’s extremely helpful to know exactly what you thought of your recent visit with us [Name of Business].
That’s why we’re reaching out to see if you could leave us a bit of feedback on how we did. What did you like? What could use some work? We want to know it all!
Click the link below to give us your thoughts about your recent [Stay/Visit].
Link To Review App
We sincerely hope to see you again soon at [Your Business Name]!
[Your Name]

4. Service Area Business Review Email Template

Hi [Customer’s First Name],
This is [Your Name] from [Business Name], and I just wanted to let you know what a pleasure it was to meet you during [Description of Work] the other day. Hopefully, you were satisfied with the results and wouldn’t mind telling us about your experience?
I ask because small businesses like mine depend heavily on feedback in order to continue delivering exceptional customer service. Could you take a minute to detail what you thought of our work here at [Business Name]? It would help immensely as we move forward.
It’s so easy to do. Just click the link below!
Link To Review App
[Business Owner’s Name]

5. Medical Practitioners Review Email Template

Hi [Customer’s First Name],
[Your Name] at [Business Name] here. I hope you don’t mind me reaching out but I was wondering if you would take a few moments to give some feedback on your recent experience with [Business Name]?
We know medical visits are confidential and sensitive, so please don’t feel like you have to be specific in regards to your reason for visiting. We’re simply looking for a few details about your experience, how you felt you were treated, what you enjoyed about the experience, and what you felt could be improved.
The answers to these questions will help drive our future customer service efforts. It takes just a minute of your time. Please click the link below to leave your feedback. We appreciate you!
Link To Review App
[Your Name]


Boosting local SEO is dependent on positive reviews. You need to dedicate the time to check, respond to, and ask for reviews on a regular basis. Don't have the time? Let us do it! Contact Tactical-Moves online or call us at 617-858-5802.

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